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Vibrotherapy used in the prone position for 21 days (2 treatments a day) with RAM Vitberg+ {now updated to Vitberg RS; editorial note} is a promising method to improve glycemic control. Research carried out at the PWSZ (Nowy Sącz, Poland) showed a positive effect of vibration therapy on insulin resistance in people at the risk […]

Medicine is still looking for effective therapeutic methods to prevent involutional changes, i.e. changes related to the loss of function or tissue atrophy. Vibrotherapy can be a promising form of systemic rehabilitation in this context, including oscillatory-cycloidal vibrotherapy (VOC), which Polish scientists from the A. Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy and the Medical University of Silesia […]

Nowadays there is still a great need to improve non-invasive techniques to restore proper circulation after a heart attack. Low frequency vibrations have previously been observed to help clear blood clots in catheter systems and also to stimulate the coronary circulation if delivered to the heart in the diastolic phase. In a presented article, scientists […]

Muscle atrophy (mass loss) is a common problem in aging, neuromuscular diseases, or in reduced gravity. Using a laboratory model of chronic body disuse in the 60-day bed rest (BR) test, the global gene expression profile was analyzed for the first time in conjunction with proteomic analysis to map molecular adaptations in unused soleus muscle […]

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the typical motor symptoms (tremor, muscle stiffness, bradykinesia) and cognitive impairment. Epidemiological data show that 30% of all PD cases are working people. Presented article focuses on the people with limb tremor (working and employed, in an active and productive phase of their life) and their ability to work, […]

{The beneficial effect of whole-body vibration on fitness seems to be well-established in the literature, while its influence on the psyche is still under investigation. Therapeutic vibrations can be generated in several ways, for example: manually (by a physiotherapist) or by mechanical wave, including a sound wave. Editorial note} The aim of Japanese scientists from […]

Vibration is increasingly being used as a form of adjuvant therapy to relieve pain and improve functioning in adult low back pain (LBP) patients. Vibration stimulation can change the pattern of muscle activity and thus improve and strengthen the mobility of various elements of the skeleton, including the lumbar spine (LS), relieving LBP. Backache is […]

It is widely accepted that physical activity is an effective therapeutic strategy in preventing and inhibiting the development of cardiovascular diseases. Recently, in the context of rehabilitation of the elderly, attention has been drawn to a specific “substitute” of physical activity – vibrotherapy. Whole body vibration (WBV) has the potential to replace physical activity by […]

Whole body vibration (WBV) training can affect the neuromuscular system even in unconscious patients because the signals affecting muscle contractions can be controlled by the spinal cord without the cerebral cortex involvement. In addition, as already shown in healthy volunteers, athletes, the elderly, and patients in various hospital departments outside the Intensive Care Units (ICU), […]

The scientific literature describes many techniques of manual respiratory physiotherapy that can be used for a variety of respiratory disorders. Manual respiratory physiotherapy is also proposed for respiratory problems in COVID-19. However, in the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 during manual physiotherapy stimulates consideration of automated techniques to be used (to prevent […]

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